Last call for registrations – Annual Education Meeting (June 23)

Thank you to those of you who have already registered to attend the annual BIPNET meeting on Monday 5th June in Tamworth.

Could we encourage anyone else wishing to attend to please register using the Eventbrite link sent out in the group email. before 19th May.

Please note that the day will now likely run from 9-3.30 to help facilitate homeward transport after the meeting.
For those of you wishing to stay overnight, there an a number of hotels close to the venue.

We are still in the process of finalising the programme and would also encourage any clinical cases for discussion or other topics as soon as possible please. 

For those of you also planning to attend the BPA ReConnect Event , please register before 19th May

Registering for the ReConnect Event:

Day 1: 16:00-20:00 Social evening: All welcome. This is a chance to CONNECT with others in the porphyria community and get involved in some social activities – refreshments provided.

Day 2: 10:00-15:30 Patient day: All welcome. The day will include doctor and patient talks, updates on research and plenty of opportunities to speak with other patients.

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